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Impact of conflict

Camila Bozzo - Head of Political Analysis


Column in Diario Gestión

Social unrest and the uncertainty associated with political stalemate are among the main sources of concern for businesses, as demonstrated by the results of the survey applied to APOYO Consultoría SAE clients.

The protests have caused severe material damage to public and private property, paralysing some productive sectors and causing supply difficulties. In January, eight out of ten executives said they had suffered a medium to very high negative impact on their operations.

The investment confidence index has remained in pessimistic territory since April of last year, and has also fallen due to the political conflict and crisis. In this uncertain situation, in which it is difficult to establish medium and long-term scenarios, investment planning becomes more complex.

On the other hand, regarding the advancement of elections, 36% of executives stated that, if these are called for 2023, investment flows in their businesses could be reduced.

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Impact of conflict

"Social unrest and the uncertainty associated with political stalemate are among the main sources of concern for businesses." - Camila Bozzo

Escalada de conflictos en minas contamina a
otros sectores

Según estimaciones de APOYO Consultoría, si no se hubieran registrado conflictos sociales en torno a la minería, la producción de esa industria podría crecer en 7% este año.

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