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Economic Outlook


Peruvian economy will grow 2.8% in 2024

In 2024, a more favorable business environment is anticipated than the previous year.

On the international front, despite the lower global momentum, commodity prices will have a relatively favorable evolution for the country. On the one hand, we foresee a moderate slowdown in our main trading partners. In the case of the US, we anticipate lower growth due to i) the lagged effect of contractionary monetary policy, ii) a lower fiscal impulse and iii) the depletion of excess household savings. Meanwhile, the Chinese economy will continue to slow down due to structural factors, as well as difficulties in boosting the real estate sector and greater regulation in the technology sector.

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Sofia Patiño



Congress strikes new blow in favor of illegal mining in the face of a government with no response

At the end of January, the Registry of Political Organizations counted 41 parties with current registration and 33 organizations in the registration process.

Economic recovery consolidates in the fourth quarter, although there are two new risks to growth in 2025

2024 was a year of inflection in the economic cycle, where there was moderate growth after the recession of 2023.

Congress strikes new blow in favor of illegal mining in the face of a government with no response

Last week, Congress removed Energy and Mines Minister Rómulo Mucho from office with 80 votes in favor, 4 against, and 10 abstentions. Of the 13 parliamentary groups in Congress, 11 supported the motion.

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