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Political outlook


An Executive that’s more and more vulnerable, but surviving

This month has been marked by key milestones which are making the Government’s position more vulnerable, only eleven months into term. Among these, the fragmentation of the leading party’s Members of Congress, which is weakening the President’s capacity for negotiation in Congress, and the progress in the investigations by the Public Prosecutor into the president and his circle.  

Another important milestone is the approval of the ruling to return to bicameralism and congressional reelection, which has a high probability of getting approved at the Plenary, since it was supported by a majority in the Constitution Committee. Its approval could generate incentives in a sector of Congress to favor a scenario of interruption to the president’s mandate, whether through early elections or impeachment.

Moving forward, the election of the Congressional Steering Committee will be key for scenarios in the medium term. The election of someone to convene and reconcile could give Congress new momentum, as well as refresh its image which is currently worse than that of the Government.

To access the complete report contact us at:

Camila Bozzo

Head of Political Analysis


The Executive-Legislative relationship strengthens amid political uncertainty

In the last month, the political panorama has been marked by the beginning of the electoral race. The electoral schedule requires possible candidates who want to participate in the next electoral process to be affiliated with a political organization.

At the end of the second quarter, there are no clear signs of a break in the economic cycle

During the second quarter, GDP would have grown at a higher rate than during the first quarter, mainly due to the recovery of the primary sectors.

President Boluarte opens new legal and political avenues, although her support in Congress remains solid

In the month of May, the Attorney General, Juan Carlos Villena, filed a constitutional complaint against President Dina Boluarte, for the alleged crime of improper passive bribery to the detriment of the State.

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